SEA-PLM 2019 datasets are available for free and public access in SPSS™ format, codebooks for datasets, background questionnaires and available technical materials. Policy-makers, professionals, students and others interested in SEA-PLM 2019 are permitted to make public or private use of the data with an acknowledgement to ©UNICEF 2020.
To access and download the files related to SEA-PLM 2019 datasets, users are requested to complete a registration form.
Once a registration form has been submitted, users will receive a response message notifying the link to access and download the following files:
- Codebooks for datasets
- Regional students dataset (cognitive items and background questionnaire) in SPSS™ format
- Regional schools and principals dataset (background questionnaire) in SPSS™ format
- Regional teachers dataset (background questionnaire) in SPSS™ format
- Regional parents dataset (background questionnaire) in SPSS™ format. Additional parents dataset file with the title suffix ‘no_Indices’ contains the parent questionnaire data for parents whose students did not participate in the assessment (not included in SEA-PLM 2019 reporting)
- Background questionnaires (students, school principals, teachers, parents)
- Data User Manual and add-in Replicates Module for SPSS™
The SEA-PLM Secretariat is not responsible for any report and data published from the third parties. For questions related to the SEA-PLM 2019 datasets, please contact secretariat[at]seaplm.org.