Displaying items by tag: SEAPLM 2024

The SEA–PLM Regional Secretariat, represented by its Co-Chairs, SEAMEO Secretariat and UNICEF EAPRO, recently conducted a courtesy visit and strategic meetings with key partners from the ASEAN Secretariat, the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF), and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Mission to ASEAN. These engagements are significant in reinforcing broader collaboration and support for the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) programme. 


During the meeting with the Education Youth and Sports Division (EYSD) of the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund, discussions centered around ensuring the success and completion of the SEA-PLM 2024 cycle. All parties underscored the importance of SEA–LM in addressing persistent data gaps within the region, particularly in monitoring Southeast Asia; progress toward achieving the UN SDG 4 indicators. The dialogue emphasized the critical role of SEA-PLM 2024 in generating comparable data and insights to inform educational policies and practices across the region. Sustainability in programme design and implementation was highlighted as essential for long-term success, ensuring knowledge transfer and continued progress. 

Photo Jakarta Visit 2

In a separate courtesy visit to the ROK Mission to ASEAN, the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat expressed its gratitude to H.E. Lee Jang-keun, Ambassador of the ROK to ASEAN, for the ongoing support of the programme, which has contributed to strengthened ties between South Korea and Southeast Asia. Ambassador Lee reiterated that education remains a priority sector for the ROK, and programmes like SEA-PLM, which aim to improve education quality and equity in the region, will continue to receive their support.  The SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat mentioned that through the support of AKCF, SEA-PLM continues to attain global and regional recognition including its inclusion in the Joint Communique of the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and its participation in high-level meetings of the United Nations on SDG 4. 


The meetings between the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, ASEAN-EYSD , AKCF, and the Korean Mission to ASEAN reaffirmed the importance of sustaining and advancing the SEA-PLM programme. The discussions emphasized continued collaboration and partnership, leveraging on the region and Korean’s expertise in expanding countries' capacity to use evidence in transforming basic education systems. This collective commitment aims to enhance educational outcomes across Southeast Asia, ensuring that all children in the region receive the equitable and quality education they deserve.







For media inquiries and more information, please contact:

Rizky Ashar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat


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The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) programme strives to achieve the rigor and quality of international large-scale assessments (ILSA) while addressing the unique challenges and contexts of Southeast Asian countries. The 2024 Test and Questionnaire Framework exemplifies SEA-PLM’s commitment to scientific rigor and high-quality development of cognitive tests and questionnaires, serving as an external measurement of education systems in the region.


Considering the unique educational contexts of Southeast Asian countries, the framework emphasizes the relevance of the literacy-based approaches and contents, ensuring the assessment encompasses a broad range of proficiencies of what children can do and their potential for continuous learning. This makes SEA-PLM 2024 instruments responsive and suitable countries’ and local needs.. The assessment framework includes a detailed definition of literacy in reading, writing, and mathematics, and outlines the processes for incorporating emerging skills and 21st century constructs in the questionnaires administered across stakeholders.


The confirmation of the SEA-PLM survey initiative as a cyclic comparative study in Southeast Asia – SEA-PLM 2024 as the second round - offers new perspectives to refine and improve some

components of the original framework developed for the first round of SEA-PLM. The aim is to

maintain a strong and robust foundation, based on many trend items and similar test formats and data collection procedures, to allow comparisons of trends over time between Grade 5 cohorts across the future cycles of assessment.


This document presents the SEA-PLM 2024 test and questionnaire framework to take into account lessons learned, experiences and the latest methodology direction of the survey. Key contents are presented in 5 chapters, SEA-PLM surveys approach (Chapter 1), cognitive test – reading (Chapter 2), writing (Chapter 3) mathematics (Chapter 4), and contextual questionnaires (Chapter 5). The final version of the SEA-PLM 2024 contextual student, parent, teacher and school questionnaires master source version in English are accessible in Annex 1, 2, 3 and 4. The SEA-PLM 2024 assessment framework is designed to be flexible to accommodate future survey iterations.



To gain a deeper understanding of how the SEA-PLM survey has been implemented using this framework and designed tests and questionnaires, SEA-PLM is pleased to publish and invite the education expert to explore the assessment framework document. This comprehensive guide offers insight into the development process, the rationale behind the updates, and the specific methodologies employed. Check the document to see how SEA-PLM continues to advance educational assessment and contribute to the improvement of primary education across Southeast Asia. 


You can access the document on the SEA-PLM 2024 test and Questionnaire Framework here https://www.seaplm.org/index.php/sea-plm-2024/frameworks-2024







For media inquiries and more information, please contact:

Rizky Ashar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat

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Bangkok, 31 May 2024 - Following the success of the 2023 Field Trial, the SEA-PLM programme launched its 2024 Main Survey, with Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Vietnam leading the first batch of implementation.


More than 20,000 students and parents, along with over a thousand teachers from more than 500 randomly selected schools across these countries, are contributing to the comprehensive monitoring of student learning outcomes in basic education. SEA-PLM is supported by the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund.


Utilizing regionally-developed instruments on reading, writing, and mathematics including global citizenship, alongside contextual questionnaires, the 2024 Main Survey collects relevant information on students’ proficiencies and captures factors affecting learning in basic education in the region. Leveraging on strong collaboration between the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, partners, and the Ministries of Education, the 2024 Main Survey upholds stringent adherence to the SEA-PLM technical standards, embracing best practices gleaned from international large-scale assessments.


Photo Collage Student Participation in Main Survey

School personnel including SEA-PLM nominated school coordinator and test administrator, representative from the central, provincial, and district offices of the ministries of education, IQMs from ASEAN Secretariat, Korean Education Development Institute (KEDI), Korea Institute for Curriculum Evaluation (KICE) and the SEA-PLM regional secretariat in Lao PDR, Philippines, and Vietnam.


During the administration of the 2024 Main Survey in the three countries, representatives from esteemed organizations such as the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, ASEAN Secretariat, Korean Education Development Institute (KEDI), and Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) served as International Quality Monitors (IQM). Their presence was instrumental in maintaining rigorous standards and ensuring the high quality of data collection processes throughout the survey implementation.. 


The commencement of the SEA-PLM 2024 first batch of main surveys marks the initiation of a year-long data collection endeavor. As preparations unfold for the second batch, attention now turns to the remaining SEA-PLM participating countries, namely Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Timor Leste. 







For media inquiries and more information, please contact:

Rizky Ashar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat

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The Technical Standards serve as the guiding principles for survey activities within the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) assessment, 2024 cycle, aimed at generating a high-quality regional dataset. These standards establish a reference point for assessing the compliance of data quality and project implementation procedures by participating countries and technical organisations involved in SEA-PLM 2024, enabling effective monitoring.

The Technical Standards have been updated and approved by the SEA-PLM 2024 bodies drawing upon the SEA-PLM 2019 regional and national experiences, as well as the latest programme developments. The standards promote the need for consistency, precision and generalisability of the collected data, while also acknowledging the necessity of a certain level of variability inherent in a regional assessment of this nature.

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Dili, Timor Leste | Anieluz Pastolero: Timor Leste has firmed up its plans and preparations for the administration of the Main Survey after embarking on the critical in-country planning workshop facilitated by the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, in collaboration with Timor Leste's National Team. Timor Leste is part of the second batch of countries to conduct the Main Survey beginning in August 2024.

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Members of the National Technical Team from the Ministry of Education participating during the workshop discussions.

Over the course of the four-day workshop, the National Team, in close collaboration with the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, strategised and planned for the successful execution of the Main Survey. Together, they identified standard national activities and necessary resources essential for the seamless implementation of the Main Survey. Throughout the workshop, intensive discussions centred on understanding SEA-PLM 2024 technical standards, aiming to refine and tailor these standards into Timor Leste's unique context. Likewise, emphasis was placed on the effective allocation and utilisation of resources, ensuring that each component of the Main survey operations was meticulously planned and executed.

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The SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, National Team, and ACER during the culmination of the workshop sessions discussing the Field Trial psychometric results in reading.

In addition to the comprehensive planning sessions, discussions delving into Timor Leste's national psychometric report from the Field Trial were also conducted by the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat alongside its technical collaborator, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). The session served as a capacity building opportunity for the National Team to unpack the results in reading and the implications of these results in terms of curriculum reform, teaching and learning enhancement, and classroom assessment strategy. 

The event garnered positive feedback from the National team highlighted by Mr Abraão Ribeiro Mendonca, the SEA-PLM National Project Manager, who conveyed the teams’ commitment in leveraging the acquired insights and information from the workshop. They aim to enhance the planning and execution of the Main Survey and extend these strategies for the refinement of their national learning assessments. 

Beyond the tactical planning, the workshop facilitated stimulating discussions and knowledge exchange sessions, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in developing and managing international large-scale assessments. 

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Siem Reap, Cambodia | Anieluz Pastolero: The SEA-PLM programme kicked off 2024 with the convening of its 14th SEA-PLM Regional Steering Committee meeting, engaging countries and partners in achieving milestones outlined in the SEA-PLM 5-year Strategic Plan. As the programme is poised to begin its second round of assessment, 2024 Main Survey, the meeting focused on the final stages of preparation.

Throughout the meeting, the national technical teams from the seven participating countries, namely, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Timor Leste, and Vietnam, along with the SEA-PLM technical collaborators, cApStAn LQC and ACER, shared insights from their Field Trial experiences and provided updates on their Main Survey preparations.

Moreover, the meeting also served as a platform for presenting the main findings and policy directions from SEA-PLM regional studies contributed by the UNICEF Innocenti—Global Office of Research and Foresight and De La Salle University. The research presentations showcased the depth of insights gleaned from SEA-PLM 2019 data, enriching the understanding of various equity factors affecting student learning.

Beyond the Main Survey, several dialogues with key partners and technical collaborators were facilitated by the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, aimed at sustaining and enhancing existing partnerships as the programme enters a critical phase in the implementation of its second cycle.

The conclusion of the 14th Regional Steering Committee meeting saw the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat providing guidance and direction to participating countries regarding the schedule of activities for the upcoming year, emphasising commitments to the work plan designed to promptly deliver the results of the SEA-PLM 2024 assessment.
ROK Ambassador and KH Minister

Notably, the steering committee meeting welcomed the esteemed presence of His Excellency Lee Jang-keun, Korean Ambassador to ASEAN, who reaffirmed the Mission’s continued support for SEA-PLM’s vital work in monitoring and enhancing the quality of learning across the region. His Excellency also lauded the strong partnership between the programme and Korean educational institutions, KEDI and KICE, which plays a crucial role in bolstering the region’s capacity to leverage evidence in improving basic education in Southeast Asia.

In addition, the meeting was honoured by the attendance of His Excellency Dr Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth, and Sport of Cambodia, who emphasised the significance of the SEA-PLM 2024 Main Survey. He shared insights into Cambodia’s policy reforms and efforts within the Ministry, guided by the SEA-PLM 2019 data and findings. These reforms encompassed enhancements in teacher training, curriculum development, textbook revision, expansion of pre-school facilities, and fostering parental involvement in schools.


The SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat with its co-chairs, SEAMEO Secretariat and UNICEF EAPRO, and funding partners, the ASEAN Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund and the ASEAN Secretariat

The 14th Regional Steering Committee Meeting also provided an opportunity for programme co-chairs, SEAMEO Secretariat and UNICEF EAPRO, to convene with the ASEAN Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF) and the ASEAN Secretariat for the 4th SEA-PLM Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting.

In this PSC meeting, the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat presented an overview of the progress made in fulfilling the SEA-PLM project workplan within the broader SEA-PLM programme regional workplan. As the culmination of the initial phase of the AKCF project draws near, deliberations centred on strategic planning and measures to seamlessly conclude the second cycle and transition to the third cycle, including the 3rd round of assessment, SEA-PLM 2028.

With the guidance of AKCF and ASEAN Secretariat, the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat has indicated its readiness to manage forthcoming processes and protocols to ensure the continued commitment of SEA-PLM in monitoring and improving student learning outcomes in the region.

Among the distinguished participants of the regional steering committee meeting were representatives from the SEA-PLM Core Member countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Timor Leste, and Vietnam. Additionally, Honorary Member countries of Brunei Darussalam and Thailand were in attendance, alongside delegates from the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN-Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund, ACER, cApStAn LQC, British Council, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Korean Educational Development Institute, UNICEF, and UNESCO. The events took place from 21st to 22nd February 2024 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

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Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Viet Nam | Anieluz Pastolero: Over 3000 students from 79 sample schools in Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Viet Nam recently took part in the SEA-PLM Field Trial assessment focusing on reading and mathematics domains. This collaborative initiative not only involved students but also actively engaged parents, who provided their insights through the completion of contextual parent questionnaires. By adopting this comprehensive approach, the SEA-PLM Field trial successfully collected data, marking a significant milestone for SEA-PLM 2024.

The smooth execution of testing operations was made possible by the efforts of nominated teachers and school principals from selected schools. Taking on the roles of test administrators and school coordinators respectively, they underwent rigorous training conducted by the SEA-PLM National teams. The training equipped them with a deeper understanding of the regional standards and protocols, ensuring their adherence throughout the Field Trials. 

Ensuring the integrity and compliance of the field trial activities, a host of observers and quality monitors were deployed in schools. Monitors included members of the SEA-PLM National Teams, representatives from the Ministries of Education, as well as provincial and district counterparts, along with delegates from the SEA-PLM Secretariat, SEAMEO Secretariat, and UNICEF EAPRO. Their presence and expertise provided invaluable guidance, guaranteeing strict compliance with regional technical standards.

The successful conduct of the Field Trials by the first batch of country teams represents the culmination of their commitment and collaborative efforts during the preparatory phase. This achievement serves as a promising precedent for the second cycle of the SEA-PLM programme and lays the groundwork for the upcoming Main Survey in 2024. The invaluable experiences and lessons learned from the Field Trials will inform the programme’s progress as it prepares for the participation of the 2nd batch of countries later this year.

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Manila, Philippines | Anieluz Pastolero: The implementation of the second phase of the SEA-PLM project, SEA-PLM 2024, is timely and on track to achieve its objective across all project outputs within the three programme pillars, according to the SEA-PLM Project Manager Alejandro Sinon Ibanez.

During the 3rd Project Steering Committee held on 03 February 2023 at SEDA Hotel, Bonifacio Global City, Metro Manila, Mr. Ibanez said that based on the achievements and milestones of the project's first year of implementation, the progress of the different activities across the participating countries is very encouraging. He also mentioned that the project is at the crucial stage of its preparation for the second round of assessment, specifically on the Field Trial operations in 2023.

Present in the meeting, which was conducted in parallel with the 13th Regional Steering Committee Meeting, was Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, SEAMEO Secretariat Director, Mr Anggiet Ariefianto, Programme Manager of AKPMT, and Mr Alejandro Sinon Ibanez and Mr Antoine Marivin of the SEA-PLM Secretariat.

Dr. Valenzuela and Mr. Ariefianto emphasized the importance of the meeting as it ensures that the project is on track.

Mr. Ariefianto expressed support of the AKPMT in providing strategic guidance to ensure the smooth conduct of the project implementation. He also provided advice in strictly complying with the existing guidelines of AKCF and responding to any changes to adapt with the current situations and evolving realities given complexities of post-Covid 19.

The Committee also discussed potential challenges and strategic approaches to ensure the project’s success such as building new partnership agreements with current stakeholders, accommodating changes both at the regional and national level, and utilizing regional initiatives to create platforms for strong collaboration with participating countries and other key partners.

The next Steering Committee Meeting was proposed to be organised within the year.

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Manila, Philippines | Anieluz Pastolero: The six countries that participated in the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics or better known as the SEA-PLM affirmed their commitment to strengthening the tracking of student learning during the 13th Regional Steering Committee Meeting held on 02-03 February 2023 at SEDA Hotel, Bonifacio Global City, Metro Manila.

The High officials of the Ministries of Education from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Timor Leste and Vietnam, convened to report on the SEA-PLM progress and its perceived impact to education policies and practices at the national level, building on the gains of participating in SEA-PLM 2019.

As Co-Chairs of the SEA-PLM Secretariat, Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Director, SEAMEO Secretariat, and Ms Mitsue Uemura, Regional Education Adviser for the East Asia and Pacific, UNICEF EAPRO, highlighted the significant contribution of the regional meeting as a valuable opportunity for all stakeholders to come together and share their experiences, and challenges in the implementation of SEA-PLM both at the regional and national level.

They emphasized the need to work together to achieve the breadth and rigor of a large-scale assessment while taking into account the unique needs and context of countries in Southeast Asia. They expressed confidence in the continued support and collaboration of partners and participating countries to ensure that, through the SEA-PLM programme, the achievement of equitable and meaningful education for all children in the region can be realized.

The SEA-PLM participating countries also reviewed the 2022-2023 work plan covering planning, monitoring, and organization of activities, including the preparation for SEA-PLM 2024. The regional agenda included technical discussions on preparations for the field trial operations, policy dialogues and exchanges on school-level policy and practice, and discussions relating to overall management of regional and national-level implementation of the SEA-PLM programme.

The event was organised in collaboration with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat and UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific (UNICEF EAPRO), the co-chairs of the SEA-PLM Secretariat.

It was attended by 53 participants, composed of representatives from six SEA-PLM participating countries namely Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Timor Leste, and Vietnam. Representatives from technical partners are also present such as the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), Korea Institute of Curriculum Evaluation (KICE), UNICEF Office of Research and Innocenti, and cApStAn LQC. Delegates from partner organisations also participated in-person and online during the event, including the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UNICEF Myanmar, UNICEF Philippines, Edtech Hub, University of Bath, UNESCO Bangkok, ASEAN Secretariat, and ASEAN-Republic of Korea Project Management Team (AKPMT).

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